Hoole Men’s Group

This informal group welcomes all men from the Much Hoole and Little Hoole areas. Our aim is to provide a friendly and relaxed opportunity for men to meet others, make new friends and have a relaxed natter over a drink. We organise interesting speakers at most meetings on a variety of relevant topics often chosen by group members although the main part of the evening is just sitting around and mixing and chatting over a drink (or two).

All men are welcome to come along as we meet every second Tuesday of the month at The Venue at 7.30pm. Membership is £10 per year.

The next meetings are:

Tuesday 14th May – AGM

For more information contact :

Chairman Bob Hawthornthwaite on 01772 612952

or Secretary Jock Davidson on 07902 441055 – sgtmajor@talktalk.net

or Treasurer Stan Pickles on 01772 615708